Tuesday, September 28, 2010


あんまり ブログ を したことがない から かくことが あんまり ない。 いちばん かんたん にかける は たべものだと おもう から、 そう しよう。
I don't have much experience blogging so I don't know what to write about. I suppose food would be the easiest to blog about so I guess that's where I'll start. I am not even good at writing in English so my Japanese will probably be horrid so please bear with me.

わたし の だいすきな たべもの: いちばん じゃないけど、 わたし の だいすきな たべもの は とんかつカレー です。
My favorite foods: Although not my favorite food, I really love tonkatsu (breaded pork) curry. Tonkatsu itself is delicious (anything fried is). The crunchy, greasiness is just beautiful and pork is a pretty good meat. Similarly, curry is also delicious. The spices and the thick stew-like texture is awesome. When you put the two foods together (with rice), the combination is utterly mind-blowing. As a kid, I would get tonkatsu curry at every restaurant that served it. My all time favorite though, is my mother's tonkatsu curry. Sometimes, when there were leftovers from dinners when my mom would cook it, I would eat the same meal the very next morning for breakfast.

This is looking perfect for a series, so I'll end there. I guess my next post will be food related as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I chose to study Japanese so that I can talk to my family who lives in Japan. Since both my parents are from Japan, almost my entire family speaks Japanese. At a younger age, I learned Japanese from my mother but as other activities and learning got in the way, I slowly forgot the language. When visiting my family in Japan, I found it difficult to hold conversations because of the language gap. I am excited to learn conversational Japanese and so far I have found it sometimes difficult to speak words. Sometimes I feel like my tongue is tied when speaking Japanese.


はじめまして。 山田 建人 です。 これ は わたし の にほんご の ブログ です。

Hello. My name is Kent Yamada. This is my Japanese blog.