Monday, October 11, 2010


つぎ の ポスト は 。。。 ラーメン!
わたしは ラーメン も だいすき。
I love ramen. The last time I went to Japan, I visited my aunt in Tokyo and she took me to a ramen shop called Ippudo. It was a different style of shoyu ramen but it was very good. Apparently there is an Ippudo in New York City, but I have not been able to visit it yet.

Another time I was in Japan, I had ramen for lunch and then for a snack before dinner. My aunt brought my little brother and I to a shop where we stood at a counter and ate. Apparently in Japan there are many of these shops so working people eat it quickly on their way to or from work. I ordered tonkotsu ramen and my brother ordered miso ramen. My brother was still very small so he only ate a little bit of his ramen. I ate my entire bowl and then finished his bowl. It was very good. We also went to another shop for a small snack but I ordered ramen again.

みんなさんは なんの らめんが すき?
Also, what are your favorite places to eat ramen?

UPDATE 10/31/10: きのう、トーマスさんと ともだちと Totto へ いきました。すごく にぎやかでしたが、 とても おいしかった。Totto Ramen was very delicious. It is a very small shop and the wait is very long so if you go sometime, you should go early. However, once you sit down and order, the food comes very quickly. The food and atmosphere are pretty authentic. I ordered Miso Ramen and it was very tasty.


  1. My favorite place to eat ramen was on the other side of the ginza near where I lived. It was a fair walk and some days I didn't want to go that far, but man oh man do I miss my 500 yen salt pork ramen bowl.
    I can get it in Mastuwa in edgewater, near the George Washington bridge. I love Japanese ramen.

  2. 日本語のTAのアーントです。 NYにもおいしいラーメン屋さんありますよ!IPPUDOのあかまるモダンとかおすすめです。後、ミッドタウンにあるTOTTOラーメンとか、EAST VILLAGEにあるらいらんけんとかもよく行きます!

  3. いま Totto ラーメン へ いきませんか。

  4. いいですね。 そうしましょう。
